We are super excited for this year's youth camp speaker!
Nathan is the founder of Wilderness Driven Ministries. His love for God and calling to ministry is such a powerful testimony of undeniable "God moments" throughout his life. Nathan's wife is Alexis Harmon and they have three children.
Their Ministry Wilderness Driven is built on two principles, family-focused and a wilderness mindset (No Plan B). Their desire is to help people experience God all across the world via missions. They have launched Wilderness Driven Missions. Missions trips where the Spirit of God can transform people from the inside out. For the past several years they have been working in Gilead, Jordan establishing deep connections with the people. Over the past 8 years Nathan has spoke in over 1,500 public schools and impacts 2.2 million students. A huge focus is discipleship the way Jesus did it. Just throwing people on our hip and living life interupted with them. Learn more about Nathan's ministry and the work they have decided to lay down their life for at WildernessDriven.com
Nathan is the founder of Wilderness Driven Ministries. His love for God and calling to ministry is such a powerful testimony of undeniable "God moments" throughout his life. Nathan's wife is Alexis Harmon and they have three children.
Their Ministry Wilderness Driven is built on two principles, family-focused and a wilderness mindset (No Plan B). Their desire is to help people experience God all across the world via missions. They have launched Wilderness Driven Missions. Missions trips where the Spirit of God can transform people from the inside out. For the past several years they have been working in Gilead, Jordan establishing deep connections with the people. Over the past 8 years Nathan has spoke in over 1,500 public schools and impacts 2.2 million students. A huge focus is discipleship the way Jesus did it. Just throwing people on our hip and living life interupted with them. Learn more about Nathan's ministry and the work they have decided to lay down their life for at WildernessDriven.com
July 15-19
5 Days | 4 Nights
Going into 8th Grade - Just Graduated 12th Grade as of Fall 2025
Register before June 9th for the best Camp price!!!
**Free gift with every registration!!**
Early Bird $475 ($505 after deadline)
**Free gift with every registration!!**
Early Bird $475 ($505 after deadline)
Encounter Camps - FAQ
What are the Encounter Camp Dates?
Date: July 15th - July 19th
Camp Duration: 5 days and 4 nights
Ages: Going into 8th Grade - Just Graduated 12th Grade
How much does Camp cost?
Encounter Youth Camp is 5 Days and 4 Nights and includes meals and rooms.
$475.00 early bird rate ($505.00 after Early bird cut off)
There is a $3 Online Ticketing Fee
$475.00 early bird rate ($505.00 after Early bird cut off)
There is a $3 Online Ticketing Fee
How many Youth and Leaders are on a team?
Youth are placed on teams of approximately 12-14. Each team has 2 trained and caring leaders.
How are Team Leaders selected?
Every Team Leader is a volunteer who has completed a comprehensive process that includes:
- Completed and approved volunteer application
- Criminal Background Check
- Mandatory Camp Orientation with child training
What's the food like?
This is not your average camp food. A professional and caring food team prepares the meals every day. Your Youth will absolutely love this camp food!
Will there be swimming?
Yes! We have a beautiful lake with inflatables and a pool with tons of fun water activities. All youth wear life jackets in the lake. We have staff and life guards posted at all swimming activities.
How are medications handled?
- All personal medications (prescription, over-the-counter, or vitamin) MUST be brought in the original pharmacy labeled container or the original manufacturer's container to the first aid station at check-in.
- Prescription medications MUST have the camper's name on the bottle.
- Please limit the amount of medication to only what is required for the camper's term.
- Please make a note on the medical form and alert medical personnel at the first aid station during check-in of all allergies or medical conditions.
- Each camp will have professional medical personnel to help students with medication or injuries.
What do I bring to Youth Camp? What shouldn't I bring?
Bring this...
- Pillow
- Sleeping bag or twin bedding
- Swim towel, Shower towel, washcloths
- Shampoo/Conditioner & Soap
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- One piece swimsuit or swim trunks
- Pajamas
- 5-6 pairs of underwear
- 5-6 pairs of socks - may get wet or muddy
- 4 old T-shirts for rec
- 4 pairs of shorts for rec
- 5 T-shirts for chapel
- 5 shorts or pants for chapel
- 1 pair of pants & sweatshirt for cool weather
- 1 pair of closed-toed shoes for rec
- 1 pair of shoes for chapel/free time
- 1 pair of flip flops for pool/shower
- Bug Spray and Sunscreen
- Bible (if your student does not have a Bible, we will make one available)
- Electronics (including cell phones, tablets, video game devices, iPods, mp3 players, etc.)
- Crop tops/two piece swim suits/spaghetti strap tanks/articles of clothing displaying questionable content
- Food items (all snacks/meals are provided)
- Weapons (firearms, knives, fireworks, matches)
- Write your student's first and last name on the inside of all clothing (including shoes), towels, and washcloths.
- Pack travel sized shampoo/soap that will be easy for your student to carry to and from the shower.
Where do Encounter Camps take place?
Encounter Cove Camp is set on the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks in Roach, MO.
- The campgrounds include a chapel, dining hall, high ropes course, zip lines, challenge course, swimming pool, lake, lake inflatables, and separate boys' and girls' dorms with indoor shower and toilets.
- Your student will be housed with their teammates and leaders in bunk style dorms.
What is the phone policy at camp?
- Campers will not be allowed to make or accept phone calls unless it is an emergency.
- Your student will have a great time, and we encourage you to ask them all about it when they get home!
Are there other rules and regulations?
- We reserve the right to inspect contents of all personal belongings if due cause arises.
- Improper contents will be held by camp staff and returned to parent/guardian(s) at the end of camp.
- All campers will be expected to observe habits of personal cleanliness, respect for camp staff and other campers, and refrain from using foul language, including cursing and crude humor.
- Charges for items broken/damaged or stolen during camp will be billed to the parties/individual involved.
- If a child is sent home early due to sickness, behavior, or discipline issues, should camp leadership determine it is necessary, there will not be a refund given.
Are there scholarships available?
Our desire is to see every student experience Youth Camp this summer. We would suggest talking to your local Encounter Ministry Post or Church.