Post Encounter


Men and women are meeting every week to worship, pray, share testimonies and get into small groups.

Everyone is welcome, whether you've attended an Encounter weekend or not.

Check out the Post Locations to see when they meet and where.

find post locations here

Come As You Are

Our mission at post is to create an environment where real people can come as they are regardless of their past or present circumstances.

Focus on Unity

Establishing a culture where we are not divided by church background or denominations, but where the love, grace and freedom found in Jesus is our focus.


Building communities of real people building authentic lifelong relationships with each other as they experience and grow in their personal relationship with Jesus through the truth of His Word and the power of His Holy Spirit.

share your encounter testimony

We want to hear from you!
Tell us about your Encounter with the Lord!


Click here for some Free Bible Resources
Also check out the Encounter App

Next Steps

After your encounter

Stay Connected!

Attending a Post Encounter is an awesome tool to remain connected to a community of believers.  Each week we meet with other believers to worship, share and hear testimonies and teachings, go through bible studies & much more.  

There are several Post Encounter locations in Missouri, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Indiana, and Oklahoma.

If there isn't a Post near you yet, join one of the Phone Post (for men) or A2B Connect (for ladies)!  

Devote yourself to the Word of God

In a world where truth is hard to find, rest assured that TRUTH can be found in God's Word!

Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.  - Psalms 119:105

30 Day Challenge
We challenge you to a 30 day challenge to read The Word of God 30 minutes each morning.  

We are so confident of the power of the Word of God that if you take this challenge seriously, you will never be the same!

Before opening your bible each morning, begin in prayer, asking God to open your mind, ears, & heart to His fresh revelation through the Word and allow it to come alive for you!

Please share your testimony of the Holy Spirit's movement through this challenge!

Commit yourself to the Secret Place

Spending daily time in the Word & prayer is essential to living out the call God has placed on each believers life.  

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and Him I confidently trust.  - Psalms 91:1-2 Amplified

Secret place time is more essential to our spiritual body than physical food is to our natural body.

Recommended Reading:
  • Life Application Study Bible - NIV or NLT
  • Secrets of the Secret Place - Bob Sorge

Commit to Serve

Jesus came to this earth to SERVE. Be like Jesus!

Serve wholeheartedly as if serving God and not Man.  - Ephesians 6:7

  • Find a need in your local church or community and fill it by serving
  • Serve at your local post and then serve with us at Encounter!
  • Start writing out YOUR testimony, so you can share what God has done in your life!